Hours Open: GREENBELT: 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM (SUN- THURSDAY), 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM (FRI- SATURDAY) SHANGRILA: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM, DAILY 📞 GREENBELT: +639175577405 SHANGRI-LA: +639175874033
RMS Beauty Lip Shine Beloved
RMS Beauty Lip Shine Demure
RMS Beauty Lip Shine Diabolique
RMS Beauty Lip Shine Illusive
RMS Beauty Lip Shine Modest
RMS Beauty Lip Shine Paradise
RMS Beauty Lip Shine Promise
RMS Beauty Lip Shine Smile
RMS Beauty Lip Shine Spell
RMS Beauty Lip Shine

RMS Beauty


A multitasking cream color for lips and cheeks. The lip2cheek colors are the result of over 20 years experience applying makeup to some of the world's most beautiful faces.

Created with nourishing organic ingredients, each unique shade can vary from a youthful sheer to a more densely colored stain. 

